Would you invite you to an interview?
Seriously, would you choose your own resume and call yourself for a job? Whether you’re applying for a job, a scholarship, or an internship, you have GOT to catch people’s attention in a constructive but stunning way. You could even be well versed on a subject; however, you still have to make it look great on paper. This is not a trait that everyone possesses. Even great businessmen and women, who speak eloquently and with enthusiasm, have a hard time conveying their thoughts correctly and, most importantly, in an impressive way, on paper.
First things first! Know how to use a suitable format to express interest in a particular job. You might be seen as dry or conceited if you’re too formal for a casual job. This will make it seem as though you do not fit in with the culture in their office and you wont even get an interview. On the other hand, if you’re not formal enough, it will seem as though you don’t take an important job serious, you wont get in there either. Seeming as though you are not focused on the range and significance of the job probably won’t help you make it to the interview stage either.
Next, we’ve got to get through keyword filters. In the online application process most companies have software that looks for specific words on your resume. If those particular words are not on your resume…you aren’t getting a call. It doesn’t sound fair because you are likely very qualified for the position. You’ve got to put down what the company wants to hear. Read the job description and requirement, then, without lying, rephrase your pitch and resume to match words the company used in the description. This could get you an interview all by itself!
No matter what…USE SPELLCHECKER! Mistakes are a huge problem. Even if you are good with spelling and grammar, make sure you use a spelling and grammar checker. This will avoid small but costly mistakes. After you put your pitch together and spell check it, have a friend or family member read it as well. Basically, you need to do whatever it takes to make sure that a misspelled word or incorrect grammar isn’t what prevents you from getting your interview.
Your pitch should be sincere, however it also needs to stay qualified. Don’t talk about your interests or your loved ones until there is an extremely unique reason to or possibly a realistic link-in using the occupation you are trying to get. For example, in case you have a special-needs child and are trying to get work in that area, that’s relevant. In case you’re signing up to an automobile restoration shop and your passion the past 15 years has been restoring classic cars, that’s also related.
Prevent private information that is unnecessary, if you do not have that type of tie-in. how and why you’ll be advantageous to the task the individual doing the hiring really does want to understand but he/she is not thinking about your lifetime history. Study and re-read your pitch. Read it aloud. You’ll usually find clumsy text and errors that you would not have seen.